Our Story

HearMeRoar is a black owned business, founded by a St. Louis, Missouri native. Due to our founder being the product of a single mother, and a chronic pain survivor, their sole mission and purpose of creating this brand is to bring light to the epidemic of fatherless homes, and advocate for those who suffer from a chronic diagnosis. Our founder knows just how traumatizing it is to grow up with an absent parent, and they recognize this issue of abandonment is a world wide problem that needs to be addressed and talked about way more than it is now. They also are aware of the numerous ways in which chronic pain or chronic illness heavily impacts every aspect of ones life. Through their journey of healing, our founder had an epiphany and decided to design our collections around their core beliefs and bold messages that they want the world to hear. At HearMeRoar, we do not believe in staying silent on critical subject matters and our dream is to create a movement that will spread across the globe. We are the first clothing brand to ever be dedicated to advocating against child abandonment and we plan on making history in doing so. We hope you enjoy what you see, and even more so, we hope you feel a sense of pride and belonging when you wear our products.